How Pandemic has Effected the Way We Commute.

How Pandemic has Effected the Way We Commute.

After the pandemic the way we commute and move around has totally been changed. We have to take care of ourselves and our loved ones by adopting safety measures. Car pooling services has also shown a major decline in people using those services. Maintaining social distances in tube, metro or taxis have been a little difficult. Although people have started adopting other means of transport to move to their workplaces or home.

As a result, more people around the world are moving around on two wheels as a result bike shops across the United States and Canada are seeing record sales and facing supply shortages.

Recently I have realized that some people might own their own vehicles or cars but somehow their car is just not in right shape. There might be a flat tire or engine oil is running low (although they could’ve kept record of it with Carlogy app). In such situation they need a bike for a couple hours or a day.

Or someone has a bike but as they are working from home these days so they want to rent it out. There are already many apps out there but the problem with those apps is they lock you in with their platform and payment methods. So you always need an app where you can set your own terms and contact people and look at stuff yourself. So you can opt out of the app wherever you need.

Bikent is an app that exactly works like that. Bikent is a free platform for commuters and people who move around often on two wheels. Bikent will help you get outside and moving again with just a couple taps. It will not require you to turn on your location or add any payment methods. You will simply be managing and deciding all by yourself and the other people on Bikent.

If you need a bike for some time, you just need to look for one around you on map, contact the owner of bike, decide the rent terms and get on moving.


Bikent will also put your bike available for rent if you would like to earn some bucks out of it. Bikent cares about the safety and well being of all of its users. You can decide the payment terms before you rent out your bike and make sure the bikes are safe to commute.
